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Tech is Everywhere


We are currently living in a technology growth cycle, which is likely to continue for another five to seven years. Our world will be changed and are definitely being changed. The opportunities presented by the likes of cloud, mobile, social, internet of things and big data are abundant. Being global villagers, we need to pay more attention and keep an eye on this critial happening.

3D Printing Bridge in Amsterdam

With the robots that can “draw” steel structures in 3D, MX3D will print a bridge over water in the center of Amsterdam. 



Awesome New Technology 2015   

Many of the creative high tech inventions and gadgets shown in this new video are available today.



New Inventions and Gadgets 2015

This video is a list of cool new technology out on the market. Some are concepts soon to be released.



Minecraft Hololens Demo at E3 2015

Minecraft is a game we’ve seen countless times before. And yet! The virtual reality demo showcased by Microsoft today makes the game almost seem brand new. It's amazing.



Lily - The Camera that Follows You

Lily is the world's first throw-and-shoot camera. It is waterproof, ultra-portable, and shoots stunning HD pictures and videos.

Top 10 Best Android Apps 2015

Here's a list of some Best Android Apps for 2015. This is the 3rd episode and I will be coming up with more of these. So stay tuned.



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